Tips for having a fun halloween party for kids
1. Put some orange or green lightbulbs in the room the party is being held in to give the room an eerie glow.
2. Have a spooky sounds tape or cd playing
3. Put blind folds on the kids and put each of the following into big bowls and set out on a table for a “touch” table.
Peeled grapes (eyeballs)
cooked spagetti (guts)
Gummy worms (worms)
ketchup (blood) (have a bowl of water for the kids to wash their hands in afterwards)
4. Use lollipops and tissues to make little ghosts, use a piece of ribbon to tie the tissue on the lollipops, a pen or little eyes glued for the eyes.
5.Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin : Pin the nose on the donkey Halloween style. Easy to make with felt and Velcro.
6.Revived the oldies but goodies, such as bobbing for apples, popcorn balls,musical Chairs,and Mailman.
7. Mummy Wrap - Break into teams of three. Have two member s of each team on one side of the room and the other member across the room. Give each pair a roll of white bath tissue. When the game starts one member must wrap the other too look like a mummy. The person must be totally covered expect for eyes. Once the person is wrapped, the must walk like a mummy across the room to their team member. Then the other team member must carefully unwrap the mummy. Now the one who was the mummy must now wrap the other person using the same tissue. Again once wrapped, that person walks across the room. The the one waiting must repeat the process. The first time to have all three mummies walk wins.
8.For older kids, sit in a circle and tell ghost stories, have each kid add a line or two to a made up ghost story.
9. Have a costume contest, award prizes to each child, based on something unique about their costume, the scariest, the prettiest, the most original….
10. Have a face painting station, paint pumpkins,ghosts, on their cheeks, or make them into cats, Disney characters,or paint a scary face
- Tags: Halloween party tips