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Delayed crockpots and Timers

Posted by: Tammy

Do you love your slow cooker but wish it had a timed or delayed feature? Save yourself some money. A timer might be your answer!

Basic slow cooker without a timer or delayed feature.


A friend put me onto this frugal tip when I mentioned I wanted a crockpot with a delayed feature. BUY A TIMER! Okay, I didn’t know they made timers that you can actually plug into a wall outlet and then you can plug your two-pronged electrical item into that. Voila! You can now set your slow cooker to turn on at a certain time! Some timers will allow you to turn on and off but mine is a bit more simple, allowing me to turn my slow cooker on when I want it to and it will be ready at dinner time. Some recipes only cook for three to four hours and are hideously overcooked by dinner. I also love that I can use both of my crockpots, too. One might be an all day slow cooking meal and the other crock can be timed to cook a dessert (those tend to be the recipes that take much less time and can burn so easily).

Off the top of my head, I can also think of using these timers for plug-in lights. You can have lights turn on when you’re away for vacations and before you and the kids get home during those dark, short days of winter.

Might make a great little Mother’s Day gift, too! ( this is an affiliate ad which means buying from this picture will help pay our server fees-thanks for supporting Frugal Families).


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