How to Make Country Christmas Ornaments

If you are looking for a fun Christmas craft or a quick gift idea, these homemade country Christmas ornaments are very easy and inexpensive to make. You probably already have most of what you need to make them.

These ornaments can be made from scrap fabric you already have on hand. They are called “country ornaments” because of their homemade, handspun look. They look best when made from leftover quilting scraps. I decided to recycle some fabric from my boys’ crib sheet that was ripped and ready to be thrown away. I thought it would make a great keepsake for family members to use the fabric from the sheet to make the Christmas ornaments, as well as a great way to recycle the fabric.

Here are the supplies you will need:

3″ styrofoam balls
Scrap fabric
Craft glue
Small paintbrush

You will only need four or five strips of fabric to cover each ball. Cut a strip of fabric approximately 1 1/2 inches wide and long enough to wrap completely around the styrofoam ball. Cut five of these strips. Cut one extra strip a little bit narrower to use for the ornament hanger.

Spread out a piece of newspaper to work on and use the paint brush to paint craft glue on the back of a strip of fabric. Make sure to liberally cover the fabric so that it will completely adhere to the styrofoam.

Wrap the strip of fabric around the styrofoam ball and hold it there for a couple of seconds until the glue begins to dry. Glue on the other strips the same way until the ball is covered. When gluing the last strip on, thread the piece you are going to use for the hanger under the strip on one end before you press that last piece down (see photo). Tie the ends of the hanger together.
Press down all the strips of fabric to smooth out any gaps in the fabric. Use the paintbrush to add glue to any spots you missed.
That’s it! An easy Christmas craft project you can make in less than an hour. Make a few to add to the top of your Christmas packages this year to give them some “country” appeal.

Photos of finished ornaments: finished photos Rachel Paxton is a freelance writer and mom who is the author of What’s for Dinner?, an e-cookbook containing more than 250 quick easy dinner ideas. For more recipes, organizing tips, home decorating, crafts, holiday hints, and more, visit Creative Homemaking at

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