Cranberry Sauce


2 cups fresh cranberries
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup water, or fresh orange juice


Wash and pick over cranberries. Place in wide bottomed saucepan. Add honey and water. Cook over medium heat until cranberry skins pop. Chill before serving.

Note! I use the Ocean Spray™ Cranberries and usually buy 2 or 3 bags of them to keep in the freezer, as I find that you only find cranberries at certain times of the year.

Recipe # 2

4 c Cranberries
2 c Sugar
1 c Water

Select good cranberries and wash well. Cook sugar and water together about 10 minutes, add cranberries. Cover pan and cook until cranberries stop popping, about 10 minutes. Skim off top if necessary, pour into dish and let cool before serving.

Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book - Fine Old Recipes, Culinary Arts Press, 1936.

One Response to “Cranberry Sauce”

  1. Katie Says:

    Yum! I love cranberry sauce and wated to start making it myself :) Thanks for the great recipe.. DELISH!

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