Candied Sweet Potatoes

3 large sweet potatoes
2 sticks butter or margarine
2 cups brown sugar

Cook sweet potatoes in microwave, for about 5 minutes. You want them semi cooked but not all the way, as they will cook in candy sauce for a while, and will be to soft otherwise.
Melt butter in frying pan with lid, add brown sugar stir till dissolved. Add yams, and spoon sauce over yams.

Cover and reduce heat to medium low, to low, depending on your stove. Cook until yams are soft, and sauce has thickened nicely approximately 30 minutes. Baste yams with sauce occasionally.

For an added touch, allow to cool in pan, for 20 minutes, sprinkle with marshmallows, and set under broiler till marshmallows are lightly browned.

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