Quiet Summer Days

Posted by: GayleAnn

It’s quiet around our small suburban homestead. The chickens are not laying right now, Gladys is still moulting and Maybell is broody yet again. These hot days are hard on them as well as the rest of us. Meanwhile Gladys is starting to show signs of becoming normal again, whatever normal is for a chicken. She is asking to be let out so she can roam around, take a leisurely dust bath and chase moths. I need the stress relief that comes from watching them flit from one end of the yard to other searching for bugs and the perfect bath wallow.

There is a new hawk in town, he’s let everyone know he’s here and in a big way. I hear him call in the evenings, while watching the smaller birds scatter into the cedars and the bushes. I’d let Gladys out for a walkabout one evening this week while I was out watering. I checked the trees and the sky, even though I coaxed her out with the fishnet, she seemed very happy to be out. I went back to watering while she dustbathed by the swing, which is what saved her life! I heard a whoosh and then something hit the canopy of the swing! When I could finally look, I had closed my eyes, I saw Gladys furled out like a feather duster, growling and hissing in the general direction of the dead cottonwood tree outside our fence. There he sat. She jumped up and ran over to me, squawking and complaining the whole way until she was up against my feet. I walked over to the window so I could peck on the glass to get Gene to come out and help guard against further attacks, as soon as he got out the hawk flew off. Meanwhile, Gladys and I walked very quickly over to the henhouse, all the while keeping our eyes peeled for another attack! Have to say though, Gladys outweighs him by about a pound and a half, but he could have done some real damage.

There’s a coolness in the air, even though the temperature is over 95 most days. I hope it’s an indication that cooler weather is on it’s way, but I’m not going to wish the days away. There is a purpose to each season I believe so wishing for something else is wasting time, at least for me. I am looking forward to a good fall, the bright colors, cooler temps, fall crops and EGGS! Do you hear me chickens! I want EGGS!


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