Fathers Day on a dime…Is it possible? Here are 10 frugal ideas for you!

Posted by: KarenLynn

Fathers Day is coming up and I know everyone wants to impress that man in their life with a new gas grill or a night out on the town but not everyone can afford it and not everyone wants to afford it if they have other financial goals. So what to do for that special man in your life? Here are some of my ideas….

1. Steak night at your house or even group up with some neighbors and family and have a special night for all the Dads.
2. My husband is a gardener so a gardening hat, gloves, shovels, etc…. are always appreciated by him.
3. Remember some fishing supplies for the fisherman in your life can be deeply appreciated and by shopping at discount stores you don’t have to break the bank.
4. Make your honey a homemade hot pack with some fabric and rice and just put instructions to microwave it for 2 minutes or so.
5. If your husband, Dad, or Grandad or just the man in your life is a reader find out what his reading list is and look for some of his favorite titles on PaperBack Swap, Half.com, Amazon.com or even Ebay.
6. Go for a hike if he’s an outdoorsman and make him a pack filled with a stainless steel water bottle, granola bars, dried fruit and maybe even a walking stick or bug spray.
7. A bug zapper is always cool even though its not so frugal.
8. Wood chips to smoke fish, pork, chicken, and steak on the grill.
9. Homemade pickles or jellies
10. Make your man in your life his favorite dessert!

Enjoy your Fathers Day!


One Response to “Fathers Day on a dime…Is it possible? Here are 10 frugal ideas for you!”

  1. Tammy Says:

    Excellent suggestions! We’re doing the steak dinner idea here at the house for my dad and my husband. MUCH cheaper and superior to most restaurants!

    We also have a pattern for the micro-cozies here: http://www.frugal-families.com/microwave-cozies.htm

    Everyone loves the cozies so keep these in mind for holidays, birthdays, and teacher presents.

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