Spring harvest!

Posted by: Tammy

I admit, I don’t have a covered bed yet. I’m just getting to enjoying my first spring harvests now. Many hardcore gardeners have enjoyed early greens already but I won’t let that diminish my first harvests! Radishes and spinach! I even got creative the other day. I took out a bit of frozen lard and threw it into a hot pan with a few slices of bacon. I let the bacon get crisp, then removed it and diced it up. In the meantime, I sliced up my radishes and toasted a slice of my homemade bread and made it into croutons. I began frying the radishes up in the pan with the lard and after a moment, I threw in the croutons and the diced bacon then threw in my spinach. Tossed it all quickly and put it on the plate with a dash of kosher salt, a bit of ground pepper and a parmesan cheese. Totally delicious and almost entirely from my garden! It sure feels good to eat what you’ve grown. There is alot of sweat in that garden! Probably a little blood and a few tears, too. LOL!


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